Battle of Manzikert Video Simulation

In 2012, as a Teaching Assistant for History 313: Introduction to Byzantine History and Civilization, I used the video-capture application Fraps to record a simulation of the Battle of Manzikert (1071 BC) that I created using the Total War game engine.  I researched the battle, attempted to accurately depict the disposition of forces within the game, and directed the camera’s perspective to highlight key events.  As students watched the video, I explained the differing strategies of each side and why the Byzantines, with their heavily-armored but slow-moving cavalry, were resoundingly defeated by a force of more lightly-armed Turkish riders.

The video was effective because it provided an active and visually-interesting perspective on an event that can be difficult to imagine through simple description alone. It also prompted students to discover for themselves why one side’s tactics were so much more effective than the other’s, leading to a more robust discussion.